Do you want 50+ leads a month?

My program at The Lead Gen Factory  not only creates but fully manages client campaigns. The only thing you have to do is pick up the phone and call the leads! 

With my fully-managed campaign you need only pick up the phone and call the leads. We (my team and I) create two unique audiences and two ads based on who you want to work with. We then continually work with you to increase your conversion rate based on ad analytics and the feedback you give us. 

Why You Need Me?

Excellent question.  

With my courses you have my formula. You could do this yourself. 

Why someone would want me and my team's professional services:

  • Some people will read my courses then give up before they try...then you need me. 
  • Some people will try it but not have the time to do it need me. 
  • Some people will try it but have a higher cost per lead than I get, in which case you can have me do it for you and my lower cost per lead pays for my services (and possibly save you money!). 
  • Some people have great success with the formula in my courses but quickly become to busy with leads and clients to handle their own ad need me. 

You Could Do it On Your Own...

Yes, you could do this on your own. It's not rocket science, but it is a science. It takes effort to setup the ads, analytics to bring down your cost per lead, and then it keeps an effort to keep the ads producing leads over time. 

If you're too busy to do all of that, you can have me and my team do it for you. 

The program is as follows: 

$275 one-time setup fee

$200/month for full management (all you have to do is pick up the phone and call the leads)

+The FB Ad Budget 

*For the FB ad budget, their minimum for ads it's $5/day/ad. Our program has two ads which is $10/day (roughly $300 per month). For this rate our average client is getting about 50 leads a month. 


How many clients will you get from that? This depends on how diligently you follow up on the leads and how good of a lead converter you are (if you aren't amazing at it--no worries, online leads aren't the same as referrals and warm leads...we have a training program that can turn you into a converting rockstar). 

Our average client who works the leads can get a client a month from 50 leads. Some can get 2 or 3 clients a month, although this takes time--you likely won't get three clients your first month as you have to wait for people to be ready to buy and sell. But if you fill your pipeline and diligently follow up on the leads you can absolutely get 2+ clients a month from 50 leads.