Learn the four ads that 90%+ of Realtors do--that DON'T WORK. 

And, learn the strategy that WILL get you an unlimited amount of demographically-targeted leads. 

These leads will come with a phone number, great questions to ask when you call them, and a problem to solve (as the ad strategy works in identifying the problem of that demographic). THIS is how to get leads that convert to clients--because you get business by solving people's problems. 


In this course you'll learn: 

  • The 4 types of ads that 90% of Realtors do, that are overdone and don't work. 
  • The type of ad to use that will ROCK YOUR WORLD. 
  • How to calculate your Return on Investment from these ads. 
  • How to target your ads demographically.
  • How to create a strategic ad strategy based on the pain point of a specific demographic.
  • How to create the ad(s)